Avoid Failures by Measuring Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Using the TMA 4000 | PerkinElmer

Application Note

Avoid Failures by Measuring Coefficient of Thermal Expansion Using the TMA 4000


One rapid way to measure the expansion of a sample as a function of its temperature is using a TMA. The TMA 4000 thermomechanical analyzer is designed to accurately measure small changes in the dimensions of a sample as it is heated over a programmed temperature range. It is a laboratory analyzer with a small benchtop footprint, but a large capability for simply and accurately measuring the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). It incorporates numerous features to optimize its ease of operation while maximizing accuracy and sensitivity.

This application note details laboratory methodologies and results for measuring coefficient of thermal expansion in four sample materials; borosilicate glass, gold, silver and aluminum. One way to assess the capabilities of a new TMA is to run standard samples and compare the data to the results reported by highly respected laboratories. These materials are standard thermal analysis melting point temperature calibration materials available from PerkinElmer. Complete the form to read the full application note.